How to Get Your Website in Google Discover Feed?

How to Get Your Website in Google Discover Feed? 

Discover, Google Discover One such source that can get good quality traffic to your website in good quantity. With no rankings, backlinks, no fuss, whatever your website is about, Google Discover can come in handy and the best part is that it’s not that difficult.
So in today’s blog post we will see what is Google Discover actually about? How can you get your website on Google Discover? And what should not be a mistake, there is only one mistake which you should not do. In today’s blog post we are going to talk about Google Discover. Discover is verb and Discovery is Noun, I is discovered and My is Discovery.
You must have heard the name of Columbus Christopher Columbus. You must have been told in school that he discovered America. He himself thought that he had discovered India but in reality what he had discovered, the Bahamas is an island 300 km away from America. The only problem with discovering is that you go out looking for something else and get something else.
The same is true of Google Discover. The list of articles that appears in the Google app feed on Android or iPhone or the list that appears on the Chrome window is the Google Discover feed and the list that appears in it is not made on the basis of rank but on the basis of interest. is made.
On the basis of the type of website a user visits, the way the app is used, Google’s system imagines what will be the interest of that user and on that basis, the list of articles is shown to that user. in feed. These feeds are endless, with the Google system constantly recommending you articles based on your web and app activity. Now, what are the features of Google Discover based on what we have talked about so far?
– It is personalized for each user
So, whatever your content is about, its readers will definitely get it.
– Because this feed is different for every user, there is no rank in it.
– The Google Discover feed depends on the interest of the user, so keywords do not play a role in it.
– This entire feed is automatically generated on the basis of Google’s system machine learning.
Now everything is clear till now. Now let’s talk about how you can bring your website to Discover Speed. It is very important to understand one thing that there is no special tag code or any jugaad that will bring your page to discover speed instantly. You will have to do few efforts continuously.


These are the most simple but the most noticeable point. If your page is indexed, it means that the Google bot has read it, it knows what your content is about. Just now we saw that Google’s system generates the Google Discover feed automatically. So for example, let’s say your website is about dental problems and one of your pages is indexed above the root canal. Now Vehicles Google has indexed the page published above this root canal. He knows what information is in this page and if a user is repeatedly reading articles about root canal, then his discover speed increases the chances of visiting your page.
So if you want to appear in the Discover feed, then pay attention to the index of your page.


Now we have talked in the first point that for a page to appear in the Google Discover field, it is necessary that Google understands the content of that page, its purpose, the problem that the page is solving, the question it is answering, Understand that and what’s the best easy way to convince Google about your page? Structure data i.e. schema data.
Be sure to implement any type of schema data that can be applied to your page like articles, blog posts, news articles, FAQs. Schema data tells Google exactly what the content of your page is about, what is its topic? Who wrote? Who has published? When is it published? When did you update?
If you check the pages in your Discover feed, you’ll see that almost every page uses schema data.


If you want your pages to appear in Google Discover, then you have to see that a topic has been covered in your pages, which also has its solution. Very abstract topic, like what to do five things in the morning? Do not post content of this type. It would be better if you wake up in the morning and make a page about the six benefits of drinking hot water. If the topic is clear then the title of the page will be clear and the chances of clicking it to be clicked by the user will increase.
Google Discover Sheets wasn’t just made to fill up on empty space. Google’s purpose behind this fancy algorithm, which is being spent on machine learning, is that people click on the articles given in that feed, on the pages and read them, then if your page is related to a particular topic, problem. , Covers the question clearly and people click it again and again, then Discover Feed’s algorithm will be happy and promote your page more.


The Google Discover feed is a visual feed, meaning that it consists of more parts of images than text. So use good image in your page and use big size image. According to Google’s own guideline, you should use images with at least 1200 pixels width in your pages and use robot tag named Large Type Max Image Preview in your page.
So, by using large images, Google Discover will be able to better present your page in its feed and the chances of users clicking on it will increase.


Web stories are shown in the Google Discover Feed, and you can double the chances of your content appearing in the Discover Feed by basically converting your article to a Web story. Web Stories are easy to create. Web stories are engaging. Web story is interesting. You can use any type of content including images, videos, feeds and audios.


Your page needs to load quickly to be in the global Discover feed. Google will not promote any such page, after clicking on its thumbnail, it takes too much time to load and their user will be disappointed. So boost the performance of your page. Do not use elements in the design of your page that can increase the load time. So these were the six points that can increase the chances of your page getting into Google Discover speed.
But you have to keep in mind one thing that the title and thumbnail of your page should be interesting, but clickbait should not. If your page title has incomplete sentence like what happens after that will shock you, if you use tricks of this type, use misleading title, clickbait title then you can be taken out of Discover feed.
So this is a simple walk through Google Discover feed Now it is your turn to discover this feed and follow the above mentioned points to bring Google Discover to your page.
Thank you!
Take care!