How to Prevent Content from Being Copied?

How to Prevent Content from Being Copied?

Is that possible to prevent content from being copied? 

There is an old saying that copying requires intelligence, but those copying your blogs as it is, those who steal your blog’s content at wholesale rates only need your RSS FEED. They scrape your content from your RSS feed. What is the solution to this problem, the same person is needed for copying which they do not have.
Hello bloggers. In today’s blog post, we will see how to automatically send your blog copyers elsewhere. A variety of scripts and plugins can copy the content of any website as it is and post it to another website. No official method works in such cases. Emailing the hosting company does nothing and emailing the copycat yourself is not going to help.
So, we will solve this problem. with two approaches.
No. 1 – Softcore
No. 2 – Hardcore 
Remember these two names, later the above joke will be understood.


The copyer of your content mostly copies the text through Rss feed. Copies the images from the source and posts them on their site. Some plugin is used to do this work in wholesale price. Some script is used and all these plugins and scripts have specialties, it is dumb, so whatever content will be on your page, they will copy it and post it on another site.
The softcore way is not to stop this copy paste, only to take advantage of it. You have to focus on internal linking in your post so that when any copycat copies the content of your post, then your internal linking will also be copied and you will start getting backlinks from their pages, very simple but very effective way, internal Linking is very important for you anyway because your pages pass Page Rank to each other.
Anchor text is also important in internal links and needs to be focused on relevancy. Just like normal external links but having more internal links, when your content is copy pasted, you automatically start getting backlight from their website. This was a rather simple and softcore way.
And the other way is 


The hardcore way is to teach a lesson to the copycat, so whenever someone steals the content of your website from your Rss feed, it is also registered as a normal web traffic and all the rules of normal web traffic are applied to it, then we are a The system can setup that whenever traffic comes from a website that is copying your content, it is automatically redirected to another website instead of your website and it will copy the content of another website instead of your website. Keep doing it.
When a normal person is redirected from one website to another, he can recognize by looking at the other website, but copy paste plugins cannot do this and we will take advantage of this innocence. This rule can be created through .htaccess file.
The .htaccess file is located in the root folder of your hosting server. To edit it, you have to go to the panel with your hosting or whatever your dashboard is. And you have to go back to File Manager. Then you have to go to the public html folder. This public HTML folder will be the root folder of your hosting. Look here you will see a .htaccess file like this.
If the file is not visible then it may be hidden now. To see this hidden file, you have to click on setting in the top top corner in the file manager itself and then in the popup that has come click on this show hidden files check box and then save it. Now you will see the .htaccess file. This file is very important. Before making any changes in it, it is very important to make a backup of it. Before you even open it, you must first make a backup of it. Right click on the file directly and then close download and download the file and save it on your computer.
So if just incase there is any mistake from you, anything happens then you can at least restore the same file back in your website, re-upload the downloaded file and reset the changes made in your website in the root folder itself. Can you So after this backup, you have to right click on this .htaccess file again and click on edit button again. A popup will appear again click on edit button and now you will see one such file of yours here on this second page. Here you have to paste this code.
Code : 
This is the first line standard. The second line instructs the website to turn on the re-write engine. The third line tells the website what will be the rewrite condition? The conditions are that if the remote address ie IP address is this, then the rule of rewrite has been given in the fourth line that the visitor or the traffic that is coming towards this website should be sent. This code stops in the fifth line, so we have used two elements in the sample code.
First of all, this IP address, whatever traffic will come from this IP address, it will be sent to this second URL, so whatever website is stealing your content, you will have to find out the IP address of it. Its method is very simple. you have to go to this page.
Page link : 
And then enter the URL of your website in the search bar and press on the search button. If you are a human like me then you have to prove that you are not a robot and whatever result you will get here, in this place, in this line, you must have mentioned the IP address of the website that is stealing your content. Copy it and then submit it at this place where we have pasted the code in the BST file.
The second element is to give you the URL of where you want to send the traffic of this copycat. I have written in this sample code. But you can write here and whenever the copy of your website comes to your website, traffic will come, then it will automatically come and go to Google.
You can also add a link to the same website itself, from which it will keep copying its website or any other website.  You can give a link to any website here and the exact same hardcore content will be published there on the copycat’s website.  We wrote because the content is being copied from your feed but you can do anything with it.
Don’t forget to save this .htaccess file by clicking here and that’s it. So whoever is stealing your content in this way, you can either send it to the wrong address or you can send it to his own website or to any website. Let your father-in-law copy your own content. 😂  .htaccess file can have many more fun in this way. You can prevent hot linking of images. Can block traffic coming from a particular website or a specific IP address. 
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